Sulfur Plant Services

Technical Support

Principal Technology's team of engineers and designers have accumulated decades of experience designing, building, and supporting the entire Sulfur Block operations for midstream and downstream processors and refiners as well as supporting new technologies to address sulfur treating in the renewable energy market for bio-diesel, landfill gas, and bio-digestion processes.

From upstream treating processes including Amine Contactors, Amine Regeneration, and Sour Water Strippers to treating hydrogen sulfide bearing vent streams, small and "micro" capacity modified-Claus sulfur recovery units, and large multi-train stick-build traditional SRUs. Our portfolio includes everything from scavenger-based scrubbers and traditional modified-Claus and Tail Gas Units to specialized processes including selective oxidization, sub-dewpoint - Cold Bed Adsorption (CBA) units, sulfur Degassing, storage-handling, and solidification.

PTI's team can support your sulfur operations from Treatment to Truck.

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Talk with one of our engineers


    Not every challenge in your Sulfur Block needs to be solved with a formal Consulting Study or Capital Project. Our team believes in helping customers by developing long-term relationships. Our engineers are available to provide ad-hoc and ongoing technical support for your operations. From short field-trips to put an “extra set of eyes” on a unique problem or challenge, providing performance feedback for your current feed composition and rates, or participating in PHAs and HAZOPs as a Subject Matter Expert (SME) to augment your team. PTI is here to help.