Sulfur Plant Services
Principal Technology's team of engineers and designers have accumulated decades of experience designing, building, and supporting the entire Sulfur Block operations for midstream and downstream processors and refiners as well as supporting new technologies to address sulfur treating in the renewable energy market for bio-diesel, landfill gas, and bio-digestion processes.
From upstream treating processes including Amine Contactors, Amine Regeneration, and Sour Water Strippers to treating hydrogen sulfide bearing vent streams, small and "micro" capacity modified-Claus sulfur recovery units, and large multi-train stick-build traditional SRUs. Our portfolio includes everything from scavenger-based scrubbers and traditional modified-Claus and Tail Gas Units to specialized processes including selective oxidization, sub-dewpoint - Cold Bed Adsorption (CBA) units, sulfur Degassing, storage-handling, and solidification.
PTI's team can support your sulfur operations from Treatment to Truck.
On its best day, a 3-Bed Modified-Claus Unit has a practicable recovery of about 97.5%. In the real world, hydrocarbons, soot, catalyst poisons, pluggage, fouled boilers and condensers can choke your throughput and adversely impact your recovery efficiency. Debottlenecking begins upstream of the SRU and doesn’t end until the stack. Our engineers have the experience and insight to identify and help implement the easy fixes to improve your unit operations or to properly apply advanced process simulations and design to squeeze every last drop of sulfur from your facility.